Popcorn and Vitriole

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Annie Hall

Annie Hall is one of the movies that we own. I am not quite sure how we came to possess this film, but I have a feeling that I thought it is something we should own. It did win Best Picture after all and it is the first movie that comes to mind when I think of Woody Allen.

This movie was a fun ride. Thinking back, it is scene after scene of dialogue between Alvy and Annie- mostly about sex, or lack thereof- but it works. It works because of Allen’s sense of humor. If only all of us were as witty and clever. Annie Hall is full of cultural references, some of which I get, many I do not. Although I cannot appreciate it as fully as an audience in 1977, I enjoyed watching Allen’s Alvy in all of his neurotic glory.


  • Another one of the movies that if I saw when it was released would have probably blown me away. This is one of the movies that made the shift from screwball comedies like Some Like it Hot to modern Romantic Comedies (any of Meg Ryan's greatest hits.) What this film shows as well is that what makes a great romantic comedy is sly sharp wit. Too Romantic comedies now are just about fluff. At least this one had spunk and dialgoue that were interesting.

    By Blogger Nate Clarke, at 11:56 AM  

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